Lower Taxes and Smaller Government
Steve believes that our taxes are simply too high. The State of Ohio needs to decrease the tax burden placed on businesses and families. Ohio’s legislators must practice fiscal discipline in spending policies in Columbus. In addition, our state legislators must advocate for our personal liberties, including the right to bear arms.
Ohio's Healthcare
As a physician, Steve knows that the practice of medicine is constantly changing, and hopes to use his first-hand experience to move our state’s healthcare laws in the right direction. To prepare for the future, Ohio’s legislature must:
Limit the rising costs of inefficient government programs such as Medicaid, and determine alternative solutions for Ohio’s patients.
Pass legislation to quell prescription drug abuse.
Work to prevent false Medicare and Medicaid claims, to protect Ohio’s taxpayers from fraud.
Work with healthcare providers and insurers to modernize health insurance.
Promote the dignity of life in all its forms.
Ohio's education system is one of our most important assets. Steve hopes to bring our school districts their fair share of state dollars, and to promote the most effective uses of education funding.
Business and Job Creation
As a small-business owner, Steve has first-hand experience with the hindrances businesses face under excessive government oversight. In Ohio’s legislature, he hopes to:
Work to decrease the tax burden on businesses, so that our communities will become more attractive to employers.
Stimulate job growth by making Ohio friendlier to businesses.
Pass legislation freeing the private sector of burdensome regulations, and promote free enterprise. The free market is the locomotion of our free economy.